Saturday, Angie and I went went for a scenic drive to witness the fall colors in Colorado. I've lived here nearly 15 years and I have never taken advantage of seeing the Aspens change in the high country. I guess I didn't know what I was missing. Angie packed a lovely picnic for us to enjoy and then we packed the diggity dogs into the car and were on our way...pretty much without a plan.

We started out going up 285 through Bailey with some intention of heading up into Breckenridge and coming back via the I-70 corridor. We ran into some traffic due to the Emily Keyes memorial biker ride, but it was smooth sailing after that. We happened across a beautiful lake heading into Breckenridge and decided to stop for the boys. Both of them decided to go swimming. I think it was because the ducks taunted them.

We left the lake, headed into Breckenridge, but decided to detour over Boreas Pass. We are glad we did! The views were amazing. Boreas pass heads up the mountain, turns into a dirt road, and winds its way from Breckenridge to Park County (of South Park fame).
It couldn't have been a more perfect day. We enjoyed each other's company, loved getting the dogs outside, and had a relaxing drive. This may become an annual tradition.
Slide show below.