OK! OK! I know, I know! I shouldn't commit to doing a blog if I can't keep up with it. Expect a few updates to recap the past month or so in the next couple of days. Once again, my sincerest apologies.
I'll start off with Sidney's dance recital, but I may not post in order so look below this post for any you may have missed. A couple months back Sidney started taking a dance class after school. At the end of the school year she got to perform in a recital.
Sunday afternoon we got ready for the show and headed to one of the local high schools where the event was being held. Sidney was a bit nervous and hesitated to get out of the car until she recognized one of her dance classmates. After that I think her nervousness went away. Angie and I didn't realize there were so many groups that were going to perform and the entire show ended up lasting about an hour and a half. Sid's group got to perform 2 routines which they had been practicing for some time. The first one they all dressed up as cops and performed to The Cop Song. Later in the show her group got to perform to Friday Night. It was the cutest thing to see Sidney dance with her group. Apologies for the poor quality picture, but if you look closely you can see her (HINT: She is the tallest).
After the recital we took her to Chili's to celebrate.