Debbie and Robert flew in from NC to attend the graduation and we all spent the night at a hotel in Greeley the night before the graduation since the ceremony was at 8AM. Taylor stayed with us at the hotel and we all enjoyed sitting by the pool after dinner. My sister Nancy and my mom stayed at a nearby hotel, so we all met up and headed to the high school the next morning.
It couldn't have been a more beautiful day for the ceremony. The sun was shining and the skies were blue. If anything it was a bit too warm considering there was no shelter from the sun. It could have been much worse if the graduation took place later in the day.
After the ceremony, Michelle and Troy held a graduation party at their home. They cooked most everything, including delicious BBQ. Alex was so excited to be finally done with high school, you could just see the glow on her face. All in all it was truly a great day and I have never been so proud.
Alex recently accepted an appointment to the Air Force Academy prep school and is awaiting to find out when she reports. This has been a long time goal for her and we are all very proud.