Saturday, November 29, 2008

'Twas the Night (OK, month) Before Christmas...

After waking from our long winter's nap induced by the Turkey yesterday, we decided to start decorating the house for Christmas. I always like to decorate when the girls are home and not knowing when they will be able to come down again made today the perfect day to put up the tree. Sidney, Alex, Taylor, and I all worked on getting the tree set up, the lights on, and ornaments hung while listening to Christmas music to get us in the holiday mood.

Angie got up early to go take advantage of the Black Friday deals. From the packages she brought home it looks like she got some great bargains. I tried to sneak a peak at her purchases, but she would have none of it. I guess I get to wait like the rest of the kids in the house. I typically do my Christmas shopping online so I am waiting for Cyber Monday to get into the swing of shopping.

Even though the tree is up we do have some other house decorations to take care of, including the outside lights, but as you can see from Titan, the zoo is in the holiday spirit!

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Grandma Jane said...

I love the picture of Titan. He does not look at all in the christmas spirit. (-: Love you guys.
Love Barb

You cooked in the nude?!

~~Angie~~ said...

Titan is TOTALLY into the Christmas spirit. He always looks like that. (: He is the sweetest boy ever...