We had 2 Christmas parties this past week. I guess I should call them holiday parties to be politically correct. Nah, we celebrate Christmas, so Christmas parties is what they were. The first one was for Angie's work and the other was yet another Danielle party. No company party for me this year. I guess we are getting too big for such things.
Angie's company party was a pot luck at one of her co-workers homes. Getting there was a small adventure since Angie didn't have an address and we were going off her memory (in the dark I might add) to find it. After only a couple wrong turns, we did in fact get there...and were one of the earlier arrivers. We retreated to the basement after everyone piled dinner on their plates. Once there we enjoyed delicious pomegranate martini's ganished with fresh pomegranate. I ended up helping make these delicious treats since thjey were so popular and the host was having trouble keeping up with demand. After drinking the martinis people sort of split up, some played the Wii while others played pool on the beautiful pool table. Then there was a white elephant gift exchange...of course.
Danielle hosted her party at her home where her husband DJ made delicious smoked ribs and a turkey. After Angie's raving about the pomegranate martinis from her company party, Danielle recruited me to make them for her party as well. Again they were met with rave reviews. I guess my past life as a bartender still pays off. Of course, it isn't a Christmas party without a white elephant gift exchange.....
I suppose you might be wondering who the picture is in this posting. Well, this is Trent, Danielle's son. You might remember, Sidney babysits him on school mornings when there is a late start. He is quite the ham!
1 comment:
That night was GREAT fun!! Too many martinis. We didn't post "the other" photos. Thanks Danielle for another fabulous party...And Trent...Gosh I love ya!
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