Things have been a bit hectic at the zoo lately, but then again it pretty much always is. However, it's time for an update, before the pitchforks and torches come to get me for not keeping everyone in the loop.
It was once again Sid's weekend at her dad's so Angie and I took advantage of it by going out to dinner Friday night at Bennett's BBQ. My suggestion...avoid it, we were very disappointed.
Saturday morning we got up early and headed downtown for the St. Patrick's day parade. We started out with breakfast and beverages at The Celtic Tavern. It's been a long time since I've had an Irish Car Bomb at 8:00am. Once the parade started we moved out to our chairs we strategically placed to reserve our spot along the parade route. The parade was lots of fun, but I had no idea it was 4 1/2 hours long!!! It had to be the longest parade EVER. We didn't end up staying for the whole thing, but probably only missed 30-45 minutes of it.

Saturday night I received some comp'd tickets to a local play at the Bug Theatre where we went to see Ten Buddhist Tales. I think both of us are still confused and trying to figure it out, but it was entertaining and different. Before the show Angie and I had dinner at Root Down. Root Down is an organic, completely self powered (I believe with wind power), local buying restaurant which probably belongs in Boulder. Each of us enjoyed this place quite a bit.
Sorry no pictures this time, we took the camera, but left the battery in the charger at home. I think Angie may have some from her phone. If so, I'll update this post if any make the cut.
***UPDATE*** Obviously Angie had pictures from her phone. Love the hats!
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