Friday, June 12, 2009

Relay For Life

Neal and I have decided to join the American Cancer Society Relay for Life this year. We want to feel we are doing our part and are asking for your help. If you are interested, please go to this website and donate to help raise money for the cause. It is a great cause and hits close to home for many us. If you prefer to write a check, please do so. Make payable to: American Cancer Society and you can mail to my home address. Anything is appreciated.

Both of my aunt Cindys, on my maternal and paternal side, are both survivors of breast cancer, both before the age of 50. In the past year, our small office of 13 people, two of the ladies have been diagnosed, treated and survived their breast cancer. It was a scary process but has made all of us more aware. All of these women have been an inspiration to me in many different ways, all with stories of their own.

I am also contributing my time and money and making cell phone charms, I will be selling them for $3 each. If you are interested, please let me know.

Thank you so much for your support!!! As individuals, we are just a small voice, together...we can be heard.

Neal and Angie Jack

Click on the link below, the woman on the left is Anne, she was one of the women in our office diagnosed last year. She invited me to participate this year.

Relay For Life


Angie J said...

THANK YOU!!!! Thank you so much to those of you who have donated so far!!! It's been kinda fun competing with other people in the office also!!! KEEP IT UP!!!!

Nicole said...

I would LOVE to help!!!
We use to have a "CJ" for years and years....just been busy the last few with the "little ones" but I have to get invlived again!
My Auntie Nancy just found out she had Leukemia. So, it's been a hard month!
This is a great thing your doing.
You go girl!!!