I think Halloween is one of our favorite occasions. Many people call it a holiday, but is it really? I mean banks aren't even closed and they close for everything. Sidney was very excited this year. I am sure she is excited every year, but this is the first Halloween we have all lived together so I got to feel her excitement first hand.

Sidney decided to go as a goth girl and picked out every detail of her costume. She looked like some of the girls I went to school with when being goth was kind of in, well as in as it could be. Her friend Sedona also went as a goth girl. Sedona's sister Veronica was dressed in a sort of evil court jester costume. All 3 girls were so cute.
Great costume Sidney. Boy does she look grown up. I think the boys will be calling very soon. And Neal I take offense to the remark about banks being closed for everything. The Federal Government is closed but banks, at least here in the U.P. no longer close for Federal Holidays.
Sid doesn't look like my lovebug. (-: Looks like she had a great time.
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