Today we did the Race for the Cure. Sunday morning's forecast called for rain but it turned out to be a perfect sunny Sunday morning. We all got up early for a weekend morning, picked up Sidney's friend Rachel, and headed for the Light Rail. Considering there were over 60,000 people who participated in the race, it turns out the Light Rail was a good choice.
We did not pre-register for the event so we had to take care of that when we arrived at the Pepsi Center. We found a new friend while standing in line to register. Charmaine had come downtown to join the race herself. Apparently her husband didn't want to get out of bed. Since she was walking alone, we had her join us. It was awesome to see how many people came out.
I didn't time it, but I would guess it took us a little over an hour to do the 5k. We took our time and from where we were in the pack, I don't think we had the option to run. The race is for a great cause and it got us all out for some exercise. Angie's aunt Cindy's family runs the race every year. Maybe we came up with another annual tradition for us too.
Shame Shame! You didn't even mention our Hot Mama's Day out!! It's all about you isn't it! hehe
Nice pics! It was a beautiful day out!
Sounds like you had a great time. And how many blisters did you all get. (-: Love you and miss you.
Love, Grandma Jane
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My leggs hert so bad i felt like a noodle!
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