Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Iron Mountain Mine Tour

After spending most of our time in Michigan camping we got back to civilization in Iron Mountain, spending a couple days at Angie's grandparents' house. We pulled up to their house while Marv was finishing up some yard work. He didn't even notice we had returned.

While we were camping Marv and Barb went fishing. From what I understand, Marv has never been big into fishing, in fact he may have only been out 1 other time. That time he caught a big trout previously featured on our blog. It turns out, the Lundin's should have been fishing all these years. On this outing Marv caught another huge trout (6+ pounds!!!) only to be outdone by Barb, who caught an 18 pound salmon!!! Marv was so excited he told us before Barb had the chance to.

The following day, Judy, one of Roxann's best friends stopped by to visit as she had not seen Sidney or Angie in some time. After a bit of visiting, Judy took Marv, Sidney, and I to the Iron Mountain Mine for a tour. Below are some tour pictures.

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