Monday, August 3, 2009

Vacation - Camping in Michigan

Our summer vacation this year was to the UP. As is nicely stated on a bumper sticker I once saw "Say yah to the UP eh".

Sidney flew out about a week before Angie and I drove up. We drove mostly straight through, stopping in Wausau to visit with Angie's good friend Julie before completing our trip to Iron Mountain the next day. This trip had been planned for some time for a Mainville Family Reunion honoring Mike and Laura's 25th anniversary.

A bunch of spent several days camping up near Way Dam. On the Saturday of the camping trip, several more Mainville's came to the camp site for a full blown reunion. I was a bit overwhelmed due to meeting many of the Mainville clan for the first time. I was just glad there wasn't a test to match names and faces at the end of it all. I would say I probably remember the important ones, but they are all important, so that's not possible.

Camping trip pics:

1 comment:

Grandma Jane said...

Enjoyed all the pictures of your camping outing. Looks like everyone had a great time. Miss you guys!